Personality Experts Login
Learn More: 918-605-1492

Duffy McMahon
Specialist in Sex, Sexuality, Relationships, @ Idea Factory Therapies

The Empowered Living Center
7560 S Willow Drive
Tempe, Arizona, 85283

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Specialist in Sex, Sexuality, Gender and Relationship issues.  Expert in Stress, Anger and Anxiety.

Primary Colors Personality and Relationship Test Series

Order the full Primary Colors Personality Test Series Bundle and save $149

PCPT Personality Test – 3 contexts ($120 total value)

  • Context 1: Home/Parenting/Spouse

  • Context 2: Work/Professional/Team Leader

  • Context 3: At Ideal Self - the YOU that you dream of being

"Stress Strategies Test Tool" ($50 value)

"Anger/Frustration" Test ($50 value)

"Warmth or Strength" Color Wheel Values Test ($28 value)

Total Cost if ordered separately = $248.00

YOUR cost if ordered online through a PCPT Expert: $99.00

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